But, before everything, especial care should be taken that intended remedies are not productive of ill results; as these may arise from either remedial measures being applied in excess or at unseasonable times. Clearing away the branches is of the greatest benefit to trees, but to slaughter[1] them this way every year, is productive of the very worst results. The vine is the only tree that requires lopping every year, the myrtle, the pomegranate, and olive every other; the reason being that these trees shoot with great rapidity. The other trees are lopped less frequently, and none of them in autumn; the trunk even is never scraped,[2] except in spring. In prun- ing a tree, all that is removed beyond what is absolutely necessary, is so much withdrawn from its vitality.

1. Trucidatio.

2. For the removal of moss and lichens, which obstruct evaporation, and collect moisture to an inconvenient degree, besides harboring insects.